Thursday, August 18, 2016

Peter Pan (1953)

Ah, Peter Pan. I've been looking forward to reviewing this because Peter is my favorite Disney character! Pretty much everyone who knows me will know that. I don't think I can express my love for Peter Pan. Peter Pan is my life!! Well now you know I'm biased, but that's okay because I'm reviewing this for myself. ;)

First I'd like to complain about Tinker Bell. Don't get me wrong, Tink is my favorite sass queen, and I like Tink from the Tinker Bell movies, but what upsets me is that they're nothing alike. The Tink from this movie literally attempted to murder Wendy just because she was jealous of her, whereas the Tink from the movie series is super sweet and only occasionally gets angry. I can complain about that some more when I review the Tinker Bell movies though. Moving on!

The Darling family is very closely a parallel to my own
family. My dad is scarily similar to George, my mom is comparable to Mary, and I'd say I'm pretty similar to Wendy, I'm proud to say. We both love stories and dreaming, but at the same time we're mature and nurturing. Wendy is my soul sister!

I love the story of Peter Pan because it's got everything to bring out your inner child. Pirates, fairies, indians, mermaids, fun adventures, flying, and more. That's one reason. The other reason is that it teaches you that you never have to grow up. Peter believes that once you grow up, you can never again remember what it was like to be a child and create stories and go on adventures. But Wendy knows that's not true. By the end of the film, she admits that she's ready to grow up, and you can tell throughout the movie that she has already grown up, but even so, she still has childlikeness in her heart, and she will never forget her adventures with Peter for as long as she lives. You don't ever have to grow up as long as you remember. This is exactly my philosophy on life, and it's why I fell in love with Disney. Disney is what keeps me anchored to my childlikeness. I think this is an important life lesson for everyone.

My rating:

Tribute to Peter Pan:
I found Peter at a time in my life when I realized I had to grow up. School was getting harder and I had to study for important exams coming up, I had to look for a job (which scared the heck out of me), and I had to start looking for colleges and applying for scholarships. Becoming an adult sucks. It feels like the color and happiness is slowly being sucked out of your soul... But I wouldn't have gotten through as well as I have without Peter Pan. So thank you, Peter.
I promise I'll never grow up.


  1. Ah! It was so good coming across this post after such a long time. I don’t find peter pan around anymore. You just made me nostalgic with your post. I even had a bag from the peter pan collection. I will look for this movie for my kids until then they are already busy watching good shows by Andy Yeatman on Netflix.

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed my post! I hope you and your family have fun watching Peter Pan together. It's such a good, classic film for all ages!
