Monday, August 22, 2016

101 Dalmatians (1961)

Everyone needs a Pongo. If it weren't for Pongo, Roger and Anita never would have met and gotten married. None of this movie would have happened if it weren't for Pongo. You rock, Pongo!

These dogs are so smart yet still so doggish. Every dog-like thing they do is justified somehow and made to seem human, which is why they're so likable and you just gotta love them to death! They're not barking at nothing to annoy you or make you angry; they have a really good reason behind it, but I guess we'll never know what they're thinking. It's funny to think that the humans in this movie had absolutely no idea what was happening or how all the puppies got saved. It was all due to the unknown genius of dogs.

Cruella De Vil is seriously the worst kind of person there is on the face of the earth. She and her henchmen might actually be the most villainous villains in all of Disney history. They may not have any dark magic or anything, but still they are utterly terrifying. I mean, for one, they hate animals and senselessly abuse them, but they were plotting to skin puppies, which is probably the nastiest, evilest thing I can think of for a Disney villain to do. You wanna take over the world? Sure, but STAY AWAY FROM THOSE PUPPIES.

Cats should be more like Sergeant Tibbs. A normal cat from any other cartoon probably wouldn't have cared less for those puppies, and there's no way they would ever take orders from a dog like Tibbs does. I like you very much, Tibbs. You're a hero in so many ways!

Not only is Cruella a horrible person, she's also a horrible driver...

I really liked this story. It was a great story full of love and joy and sacrifice and heroism. Very good movie.

My rating:

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