Thursday, August 4, 2016

Bambi (1942)

Hello again after like six months! Everything has been absolutely crazy lately, so I have had basically no time to watch Disney movies and review them. But it's summer now and I've got nothing better to do (that's probably a lie), so I'm back! And I have an update: I went to Dinseyland and it was amazing!! See? Dreams really do come true.

First of all, Bambi is SUUPER CUTE. So cute. All the baby forest animals are too cute to handle, guys!

I didn't realize how short this movie was (1 hr 10 mins). I'd almost classify it as a short film, except it's not. It's almost like a segment from Fantasia with less music and more talking. There is literally no plot to this movie. It is purely cute entertainment about animals living in a forest, although there are some horror movie-esque scenes in it, like when the quails are hiding from the hunter and one freaks the heck out and tries to fly away but is shot down (I thought this was a cute movie??!). Scary. I also just noticed that on the movie poster pictured above it says "A Great Love Story". This was a love story? I mean yeah they all fell in love just like that and lived happily ever after (after the stupid humans burnt the forest down), but I wouldn't call it a love story when 15 minutes are spent at the end of the movie showing that the animals fall in love. But that's beside the point. I liked this movie because it makes you forget that there's no plot by shoving loads of super cute animated forest animals in your face, so you have to like it. Disney, you did it again.

And also, Flower named his son after Bambi?! That's freakin' adorable!!

My rating:

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