Sunday, August 14, 2016

Dumbo (1941)

Once again, another cute animal cartoon. Disney, your cute baby animals are killing me. Good job.

I just remembered, when I was little I thought that Dumbo's ears got bigger every time he sneezed, but that is not the case. That sneeze is just so darn cute though!

Okay first off, I'd like to point out how much I don't like the other elephants. Who are you to judge the ears of another elephant's baby?? I mean really. Meanies.

I'd also like to point out that every single human being in this movie is a jerkface. Like that boy who made fun of Dumbo's ears at the circus. Have you seen your ears, dude? You don't deserve to look at cute baby elephants. Go away.

You know what's scary? Dumbo's mother's eyes turned red when they took Dumbo away. So kids, you know what you can take away from this? Do not mess with baby animals. PERIOD. Or else their mother will make you sorry.

Timothy Q. Mouse is the only okay character besides Dumbo and his mother. I like you, Timothy. You brought happiness into this movie. If it weren't for you, this movie would be totally depressing and I wouldn't even consider it a kid's movie. IT'S SO SAD. The other elephants at one point say that Dumbo is no longer an elephant because he's been turned into a clown. And speaking of clowns, you hear the clown actors senselessly plot to make Dumbo jump from higher up to make it more entertaining for the audience and they say that it doesn't matter how it effects Dumbo because "elephants don't have feelings". How cruel is that?! This is a tragedy.

Oh, and to make things worse, Dumbo and Timothy Mouse accidentally drink a whole bunch of alcohol and the next thing you know there are pink elephants on parade. At first you may think, "oh, how cute!". It's not cute, it's a total nightmare. THIS ISN'T FUN ANYMORE... (it may even give you epilepsy, I'm not kidding.)

It's got a happy ending, but this movie was just sad, and I think a lot more complex than any of the previous Disney films. Dumbo was put through a whole lot just because of his ears, but if it weren't for the incredible Timothy Q. Mouse, Dumbo would spend the rest of his poor life suffering, which is an awful thought. The moral of the story is that if there is something about you that people don't like or something about you that you are ashamed of, there will always be someone who finds it beautiful and someday you may find that it may have a bigger purpose than what you could have imagined, so OWN your uniqueness! It's what makes you special!!

My rating:

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