The yelping Lady does when she wants attention sends shivers down my spine. That's the sound my Gran's dachshund makes when she's scared or wants attention, and I hate when she makes that sound. I'm sorry to say, but that sound makes me dislike my Gran's dog, and my Gran's dog has made me dislike small dogs in general, so I can't say I love Lady. Like her, a lot of small dogs are spoiled by their owners, making them really annoying. Sorry, small dog lovers!
I don't like Aunt Sarah, and I definitely do not like her cats.

Can someone explain to me how or why these two are in love? They just met and nothing happened. I can see that the Tramp really likes her and feels some responsibility for her, but Lady is just unbearably naive. But I shouldn't judge. They're dogs.
This movie has more adult themes than I thought. Lady is ashamed because she spent the night with the Tramp (scandalous!) and was put in the pound, and because all this happened to her, Jock and Trusty propose to her. Oh, the things that are completely unknown to kids.
I feel like this movie would be better if it was about humans honestly. I like the plot, I just don't think it was executed well through a cartoon about dogs. It's a cute movie, it just isn't my favorite.
My rating:
Fun fact: Disneyland opened the same year Lady and the Tramp was released.
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