Thursday, August 18, 2016

Alice in Wonderland (1951)

Wow, Alice seems rather calm about falling down an endless hole... "I'm just going to sit in this floating rocking chair."
I love how much she tries her best to adapt to each situation throughout the movie, and by the end she is so fed up with everything. Seeing the juxtaposition of all the Wonderland characters and Alice is what makes the movie so enjoyable and funny! It's probably the funniest out of all the ones I've reviewed so far because it has so many types of comedy: dry humor, droll, puns, juvenile humor, etc. Again, classic humor is so underrated.

Of course, I gotta share my favorite line from the movie. It's funny because that's definitely not the correct reaction hahaha

The mad tea party scene never ever gets old. It brings me so much joy in my little 6-year-old heart... The Mad Hatter and March Hare (and the Dormouse) are so extravagant but so very lovable. Meeting the Hatter in Disneyland was definitely a highlight for me. He's so funny! It's like he never runs out of witty things to say! All the Wonderland characters never fail to make me laugh. There's just something about any version of the Mad Hatter that I'll always love, like Johnny Depp or Sebastian Stan. Sigh. I love those guys (but that's an entirely different subject).

This movie is utterly ridiculous yet so amazing. It's a true classic and a masterpiece, and always will be.

My rating:

I give the movie itself 4 stars, but I'm rounding it up to a 5 for the Alice and Mad Hatter in the Disney Parks, because without this movie, they wouldn't be there, and if they weren't there, Disneyland/Disney World wouldn't be the happiest place on earth. I'm rounding it up also for Johnny Depp and Sebastian Stan. I'm totally Dumbledore-ing it here and adding last minute points but Alice in Wonderland deserves it!


  1. Alice is my all-time favorite Disney heroine. She’s so charming and adorable, and Kathryn Beaumont portrayed her perfectly. Also, her bloomers (long frilly underwear) are very cute, and I just love the way her dress poofs up like a parachute. I love the part where she flips over as she waves goodbye to Dinah. And “In a World of My Own” is a very beautiful song I could listen to all day.

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