Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Pinocchio (1940)

First of all, I gotta say that I love the soundtrack to this movie, especially (and obviously) "When You Wish Upon A Star". As the "theme song" for Disney (No joke, they even use the first seven notes for the horn on their cruises. Speaking of that, watch this amazing video:, it always lifts my spirits when I hear it.

Geppetto is such a child. That's one thing I like about Disney. They make some of their adult characters have a childlike quality about them. That's my goal in life; to always have a childlike quality.

Oh, Pinocchio. He's the epitome of little kids. He just doesn't understand the ways of the world. I'm going to count how many times he asks "why". This will be interesting.

The Blue Fairy is so wise. "A lie keeps growing and growing until it's as plain as the nose on your face" and "A boy who won't be good might just as well be made of wood" are great things to keep in mind.

This movie is so full of symbolism and great life lessons. If you fall into temptation or act before you think, there will be consequences. It's the same with taking the easy route rather than taking the harder route. See, some Disney movies aren't just "fun little things for kids". Like this one, they teach EXTREMELY IMPORTANT life lessons. 

We're all like Pinocchio if you think about it. We're always told to do good, but we just continue to make bad choices. This movie may be directed toward kids, telling them not to make bad decisions, but it could very well be directed toward adults as well. Just because older people have lived longer doesn't mean they have it all under control. We're faced with all kinds of decisions throughout life, no matter what age we are, but still we often forget to listen to our conscience and think things through.
I hope these classic Disney movies will stay on earth forever because they're such original, beautiful pieces of art. Everyone should have these movies in their homes.

My rating:

Always let your conscience be your guide! (No really, use your brain because there won't be any Blue Fairy to get you out of trouble.)

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