Monday, June 29, 2015

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was the very first feature film produced by Walt Disney, as most people know. The original German fairy tale is similar to the story that we know, except it's a lot darker, as are many other tales that Disney made into films. I will be reviewing and recording my thoughts about this film as I watch it so that I may look back and remember the things I like about it. This is my goal for all the Disney films I will be reviewing. As a huge Disney fan, I find it very appropriate to do so. Here we go!

The movie starts out with a story book that opens up and gives context to what we're about to see. This seemed to be the thing to do for most fairy tale movies to give it that "fairy tale" feel. I kinda like how they do that. They don't delve into the details of the story; they just keep it nice and simple because it's meant for kids. That simplicity shows its innocence, and it reminds you that things were a lot more simple back then than they are now.

Ah, the wishing well. This scene/song is legendary in the Disney universe. LEGENDARY I TELL YOU.

The huntsman has a pot belly... hehehe

I have to admit, Snow White is brave for being a 14-year-old Disney princess. Even though she was running and screaming at everything she saw and eventually just fell over and started crying, she's a tough cookie. She just found out her step-mother is crazy and wants to kill her just because she's prettier, and now she's talking to animals and singing like nothing ever happened. I mean, she could be brave and optimistic, or she could just be stupid and completely ignorant of the danger she's in. But as an optimist myself, I'm gonna say she's being brave and optimistic. That's the Snow White that little girls and boys should see. The message I'm getting from this so far is that you should stay cheerful and positive in every situation, no matter how bad it may be. Another reason I'd say she's a great role model is because throughout the whole "Whistle While You Work" song, she is cleaning the house of people she doesn't know at all. And she's not just straightening up, she is making SURE that everything is spick and span for when the owners come home. This is a great example of serving others with a good attitude. For someone who lives with an evil step-mother, Snow White turned out great. She is often known for her femininity and naiveté, but honestly she's a better role model than some other Disney princesses (*cough*Ariel*cough*).

Nice introduction to the dwarfs. Oh, Dopey.

The dwarfs are such a comic relief!

"She'll never find me here!" Oh, Snow. You're so naive.

I love the dance scene. It's so fun to watch!

Jeez, Queen, tone it down a notch... You're not as powerful as you think...

Awwwww. Grumpy is weeping over her body. My heart hurts. The relationship between Snow White and Grumpy is so sweet.

I can just see the audience of the first showing giving a standing ovation with tears in their eyes. That was great.

I think it was wonderful for Walt Disney to bring this fairy tale to life. That's what I love about movies in general. They take a story that you can only see in your head and make it so that the whole world can see a real, vivid image of that story. I love using the term "bringing stories to life" because that's what it is. Filmmakers take something imaginary and make it seem real. Now that's what I call magic!

My final remark: Why can't we all be like Snow White?

My rating: